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1973 vs. UCLA, T.O.'s First Game

Item #: DV-7301
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Price: $19.95

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    September 9th, 1973, Lincoln, NE. In Tom Osborne's first game as head coach, Nebraska explodes against the Bruins in Lincoln. Steve Runty subs for an injured Dave Humm and guides the Huskers to an impressive blowout. Randy Borg returns a punt 77 yards for a score, Tony Davis punches out 147 yards on 24 carries, and giant John Dutton tortures UCLA quarterback and future TV star Mark Harmon, who had done some pre-game talking, all day long. The victory avenges UCLA's 1972 win which ended NU's 32 game unbeaten streak, and vaults NU to 2nd in the national polls. A full 128 minutes complete with the entire Lyell Bremser radio broadcast of the game. Coaches film. DVD video.